

Ankit 'V3NOM' Panth PC Specs

 Who is Ankit Panth aka V3nom?

youtuber PC specs

Ankit Panth is a reputed eSports gamer in Indian gaming community. He represented India in international CSGO tournaments and now streams Valorant on his Youtube Channel.

He is also a fitness freak, determined to break the stereotype that gamers are junk-food eating fat guys living in their parent's basement. 

Ankit was born on July 26, 1989.

Ankit Panth(V3nom) PC Specs

Getting his PC specs was easier as he is one of few streamers who provide PC specs and gear(peripheral) details in video description, but some of the details doesn't match with the PC he unboxed. We can't blame him for that as he owns multiple PC and he is not that much of a PC enthusiast. 

Still some of the details are missing because non techies often omit certain info as they are irrelevant to them. 

So here are the details I gathered from his video descriptions and PC unboxing live-stream:

Processor i9-10900K
Cooler Custom loop with 360mm Barrow Rad
RAM HyperX Fury(details unknown)
Motherboard MSI MPG Z490 Gaming Edge WiFi
SSD1 WD Black 1TB(unknown model)
SSD2 Kingston 500GB(Unknown model)
HDD Seagate 2TB(Barracuda??)
PSU Corsair RM1000X
Case NZXT H710(Customized)

Now as I mentioned before, some of the details doesn't match with the PC he unboxed in the stream.

For example, some of the discrepancies are as follows

Further, some of the information are incomplete but I tried my best to identify the components from the video.

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